Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mirror Mirror on the Wall!!

Last week I read an article on Mirror Fasting.  Was I reading this right? Some women bloggers tired of their reflections, and some tired of being vain stopped looking in the mirror for a few days. The result; they felt more comfortable with themselves.
Sociologists argue that Mirror Fasting is just another way of re-inforcing our vanity. According to them, it does more harm than good, and is at best a very temporary solution.
In my opinion, Mirror fasting is a way of avoiding ourselves. If we were comfortable with our self image, looking into the mirror would always make us feel good.  It would make us smile irrespective of how we looked, or whether we had a bad hair day.
So, the question is not, “Does Mirror Fasting help?” but “What can I do to feel better about myself always?”
As a Heal your Life Workshop Trainer, one of the techniques (pioneered by Louise.L.Hay) we teach people is Mirror Work. Mirror Work is the opposite of Mirror Fasting. It involves looking in the mirror and making friends with what you see.
Can you look in the mirror and say “Hey, I like you”
On a day when you are feeling fat and bloated, can you look at yourself and say, “I know you are not perfect, but I still like you!”
Mirror Work involves going beyond looking at physical attributes, and appreciating our whole self, exactly as we are.
I like to call it going on a Mirror Binge!
So what’s a Mirror Binge?
Each time you look at the mirror, say powerful uplifting words to yourself.
For e.g.,
You are a wonderful person!
You are a beautiful person on the inside and the outside!
You are beautiful exactly the way you are!
I love you, just the way you are!

Now Mirror Work takes some practice, and a lot of guts. Imagine having a bad hair day, and still telling yourself, “You look great”. It is not just about liking ourselves but about accepting us for who we are in that moment.
However, with patience and persistence, it is a surefire way to long lasting confidence and increasing self-worth.

As we grow more comfortable with the way we look, we also influence the way people look at us. My favourite example is of the picture above. When a cat walks into the room thinking she is a lion, people admire her majestic grace. If the same cat, thinks she is a squeaky tiny mouse, people ignore her presence.
So, try going on a Mirror Binge! Make the Mirror your best friend.
This is the only binge you can do without any negative side effects!

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