Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Swayam....The journey within

I wanted to soar the skies, and reach higher.
With the wind beneath my wings fuelling my heart’s desire.
I looked outwards for the courage to change.
Yet didn’t find the strength to break self-limiting chains.

I laid conditions on my happiness,
As I looked for the things to take away my stress.
If only…became my favorite line
If I got this and that, then I would be fine

I tried so hard to be the best
Why was I always being put to the test?
Why me? I asked God hoping for a smile?
Why did I always have to walk the extra mile?

As I hurried about my daily chores,
Life became a mundane bore
What was my purpose? What was my life?
Amidst the daily challenges and the strife.

Until one day. I knew I had to pause.
It was upto me to fight my cause.
One look in the mirror said it all.
I was the one who would never let me fall.

From that day on, I looked within…
Discovering all the ingredients to WIN.
From that day on, the questions faded.
My self reliance increased, and I felt no longer jaded.

SWAYAM…the self became my source of courage.
With SWAYAM, I scaled newer peaks of Success.
SWAYAM..the self became my source for a smile.
With SWAYAM, I know I can walk the extra mile.

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