Monday, January 4, 2016

Step back, Let go, Allow Life to flow..

It’s the first day of the New Year
Fresh dreams with an expiration date
So much to do, so little time!
I must have faith, I must visualize
And yet a tiny voice whispers inside.
Step back, Let Go….
Allow Life to flow…

I have a list of things I must do,
Of places I need to visit,
Peaks I need to scale,
And goals that simply must be met.
The voice gets a bit louder now.
Step back, Let Go….
Allow Life to flow….

If I step back, who will run the race?
To let go, do I have the grace?
If I allow life to flow…how will I grow?

Step back, Let Go!
Allow Life to flow!
The voice is loud now…
Almost an order, a diktat
Booming loud and clear over the worldly din
To my surprise, it’s coming from within….

I’m quiet now waiting to hear more.
Stepping back doesn’t mean you don’t try
Letting go doesn’t mean you give up
Allowing life to flow is the best way to grow.

Dream the most impossible dream.
Scale the highest mountain peak.
Try the hardest you have ever tried, and then some more.
But, when things don’t go as per plan,
Don’t lose hope, instead smile and rejoice
Trust that inner voice.
That’s telling you…
Step back, Let go..
Allow Life to flow…

Life’s best moments are made..
On detours that took your breath away.
That road you didn’t plan to take,
But life pushed you anyway
You resisted, sulked and complained
But went with the flow anyway.
You stepped back,  You let go
You Allowed life to flow..

It’s the first day of the New year
Fresh dreams with NO expiration date
So much to do, I know I have time!
I must have faith, I must visualize
And now the whisper becomes my mantra..

Step back, Let Go….Allow Life to flow…

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