Saturday, April 14, 2012

Of Humility and Learning...

One of my turning points in life came when I decide to attend the Heal Your Life Workshop Leader Certification course in the UK. It is a weeklong teacher’s training course which trains and empowers you to conduct workshops on the powerful philosophy of Louise Hay.

I had already read the book Heal Your Life, and applied the principles in my life. I was beginning to experience fabulous changes in my life.

To say that the one week I spent was life altering would not be enough. It was a safe, nurturing environment with 40 other lovely souls. All of us spent 7 days learning, sharing, growing, and helping each other grow.

It was time away for me from everything. I was away from my job, my family, and friends. The clarity I experienced there was immense, and my vision for Swayam Life Skills took seed.

Looking back, I ask myself, "What are the things i learnt in that One week?"

Many things come to mind including acknowledging my true potential, the importance of quiet time, the power of my thoughts and discovering all the answers within me.

But most of all, I learnt the power of Humility. Here I was thinking about myself as someone who has a decade of corporate experience, and now wants to help people, and share my knowledge.

And then I saw 39 other people, older than me, with more experience, and yet so humble and willing to share. And they were keen on learning..from ME!

I learnt the POWER of humility and of being OPEN to LEARNING FROM OTHERS.

And even today, as me and my organization takes baby steps, I remind myself everyday to be Open and keep learning. From the 5 year old slum child I teach, to my 60 year old workshop participant, to the many teachers, there is a lesson to be learnt from everyone.

I only need to LISTEN, LEARN and always be HUMBLE.

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